We are pleased to present Raicilla Saite, a website dedicated to offering you the best of raicilla, an artisanal distillate that captures the essence and spirit of Mexico. If you are a lover of traditional drinks, an explorer of new flavors or are simply curious to learn more about this gem of distillation, you are in the right place!
1 ½ ounces of Raicilla Saité
30 grams of cucumber
Natural sweetener
Lemon juice
Worm salt
1. Add the cucumber, the lemon juice, the natural syrup and the Raicilla in the blender until they are all incorporated.
2. Place the mixture in the shaker with ice and mix.
3. Strain the residues of the mixture and pour into the mezcal glass frosted with worm salt. Customize it.
Add the content you want.
2 oz. Raicilla Saité
4 oz. Jamaica's water
0.7 oz. Fresh lemon juice
1 pinch Salt of worm or chili powder
1.Frost a glass with the worm salt or chili powder.
2. Serve Raicilla Saité and the drizzle of lemon.
3.Pour Jamaica water to taste
45 ml of Raicilla Saité
35 ml of Vermouth Rosso
60 ml pineapple juice
30 ml of natural syrup
10 mint leaves
1. In a shaker add the mint leaves with the natural syrup and crush the leaves without breaking them
2. Add the rest of the ingredients together with ice and shake to cool.
3. Strain into a glass with some ice and decorate with a mint branch and a strip of pineapple rind.
3 oz of Raicilla Saité
2 oz pureed passion fruit
Juice of one lemon
1/2 oZ honey
1 oz lemon soda or mineral water
1. In a shaker with ice, mix the root, honey, passion fruit pulp and lemon.
2. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds.
3. Serve in a glass or glass.
4. Fill with lemon soda or mineral water.
1 oz. Raicilla Saité
0.5 oz. Fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon (s) hot sauce
1 splash English sauce
3 oz. Beer
4 oz. Tomato and clam juice
1 Lemon Slice (s)
1. Combine the ingredients in a shaker with ice.
2.Shake well and strain into a glass with ice and frosted with salt and chili powder.
3. Garnish with a lemon wedge.
2 oz of Raicilla Saité
1 lemon
2 teaspoon honey
1. Mix the ingredients in the mixing glass with ice.
2. Shake very well.
3. Strain into the glass
1oz of Raicilla Saité
1 Clay pot
1/4 of glass of orange juice
1/4 of glass of grapefruit juice
1 lemon
Grapefruit soda
Grain salt
Lemon, orange and grapefruit wedges
1. Frost the cantarito with the grain salt and lemon.
2. Add ice, Raicilla, juices and fruit segments to the cantarito.
3. Mix well and add the grapefruit soda.
1.5 oz. Raicilla Saite
2 pieces Valencia orange
1 tablespoon Peppermint and coriander mixture
1 oz. Natural syrup
1.Mace the mint, coriander and orange in a shaker
2.Add root, natural syrup and ice
4.Strain into a glass with ice
1 oz. Raicilla Saité
0.5 oz. Ancho chili liqueur
1 eighth Serrano Chile
1 eighth yellow lemon
0.3 oz lavender syrup
1 splash Mineral water
0.6 oz Quinine water
1 pinch Salt to frost
1.Mace the lemon and chili in the shaker.
2. Add Raicilla Saité, anacho chili liqueur, lavender syrup and ice to the shaker.
3.Shake and strain into a glass with previously frosted ice
4.Pour quina water and mineral water.
1 oz of Raicilla Saité
4 tablespoons of tamarind pulp
Quinine water
4 slices of serrano pepper
Worm salt
1. Add the Raicilla, tamarind, chili, ice and a little water to the shaker and shake.
2. Empty the preparation into the glass, fill with water and sprinkle worm salt to taste
1.5 oz. Raicilla Saité
1 piece Tuna
6 basil leaves
2 tablespoons honey
1 oz. Yellow lemon juice
1 oz. Anise and honey liqueur
1.Mace tuna, basil, honey and lemon juice in a shaker
2.Add Raicilla Saité, anise liqueur and ice
4.Double strain into an old fashioned glass
5. Garnish with a slice of prickly pear
2 ounces Raicilla Saité
4 fresh blackberries
½ ounce of natural syrup
½ ounce orange liqueur
½ ounce blackberry juice
1. Mix in a shaker or in two glasses that fit all the ingredients, you can give it a twist by pouring it into the blender to obtain a frappe.
2.Serve in a glass without straining.